Notes · · Hermosillo
Cow Spit Communion

Standing room only at the nine o'clock, Christmas Eve mass.
I’m not Catholic, but my mother-in-law requires I attend mass with her each Christmas Eve if I plan to eat dinner with the family later that night.
This year we attended Padre Jesús’ nine o’clock mass at a humble chapel.
I always enjoy Padre Jesús’ sermons. They are brief and direct. They feel spontaneous. Judging by the tough love tone of his Christmas message this year, I’m guessing by the end of the day Christmas Eve. He had heard just about all the sad stories he wanted for one day.
No tiene derecho estar infeliz. ¡Deja de quejarse! Do we know if Mary and Joseph were unhappy on the day of Jesus’ birth? I don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t even know when Jesus was actually born. We celebrate it today. But we don’t really know. Do you think Mary and Joseph were complaining, that they were unhappy? They had every right to be. They had to put their baby in a manger. Would you sleep in a manger? Do you even know what a manger is? It’s straw covered in cow spit. It’s dirty. It was cold. Where will you sleep tonight? PLEASE… stop your complaining. If only for today and tomorrow, stop complaining and be happy.
I always enjoy Padre Jesús’ sermons. They are brief and direct. They feel spontaneous. Judging by the tough love tone of his Christmas message this year, I’m guessing by the end of the day Christmas Eve. He had heard just about all the sad stories he wanted for one day.