
Entries from Hermosillo

Photos · · Hermosillo

Annual Christmas Eve Haircut

Haircut at Eben Ezer

Annual Christmas Eve Haircut in the Hermosillo Beauty District. Fun fact: In Spain this tradition is known as The Running of The Chins and people throw tomatoes.

Photos · · Hermosillo

Wheat Paste Rex

Frank and his crew create made-to-order piñatas for events in Hermosillo, Sonora. He was kind enough to let me hang out at his workshop last week and learn more about his process while I learn more about mine.

Adding wheat paste to long strips of newspaper to cover a piñata mold
A covered piñata mold drying
Painting the face and eyes of the T-Rex piñata
Adding teeth to the T-Rex piñata
Completed T-Rex piñata dries in the sun

Photos · · Hermosillo


Soap dish from beyond the veil.

Soap dish portal to the más allá

Photos · · Hermosillo


Adding wheat paste to strips of tissue paper for a piñata

Adding wheat paste to the strips of tissue paper that will cover a piñata before it is painted.