Hello, I'm Richard Whitmer and this is a site I've maintained since forever as a place to practice technologies I'm learning while I share things I'm making and discovering. Have a look around, say hello.

Portrait of Derald Nordbrock taken in his workshop
Available Light

Available Light
With Jerusha

I met my sister Jerusha after I took a DNA test and we learned of each other.

Cyclist on The Loop

A cyclist passes along the dry Rillito River on The Loop.
Harvest all Your Kale

It's getting hot in here, so harvest all your kale.

Three of the baseballs we have found in our yard this spring.
Portrait of Hiram

Dirt Piñata Setup

Photographing the roots of a chard plant can get messy.
Guadalajara Goggles

Root Vegetable Harvest, 2022