
Entries from Tucson

Videos · · Tucson

Two Liter Bottles of Soda

Lying in bed talking about the USA's brief love affair with the metric system. Hiram reenacts seeing the new two liter bottles of soda for the first time as a child.

Photos · · Tucson

Holiday Heads

Butting and buttressing holiday heads in the barrio

Butting and buttressing holiday heads in the barrio

Notes · · Tucson

Please and Thank You

Waiting for a marriage license

Waiting for our marriage license in San Diego

Facebook is an awkward and uncomfortable place to be talking about many of the things a family may or may not have not talked about before. But it happens. Facebook is also most likely where I will find out what's on the minds of you immediate and extended family who, over the years, have relied on it to keep in touch and reconnect. It has meant a lot to me when some of you have expressed your support for my and Hiram's equality and our pursuit of the same opportunities you, our parents, and their parents have had. Thank you. When you have reached out like that, please know you have warmed my heart.

Thank you to the sister who went out of her way years ago when she first met Hiram and told us that if we ever got married, "You have to include me in the wedding." Thank you to a niece for being part of the LGBT Straight Alliance at her school. Thank you to the return missionary cousin who messaged me, “By the way, I am gay too.” Thank you to the cousin and aunt who, after we reconnected because of Facebook, called and said they always knew I was gay and always loved me just the same. Thank you to the in-laws who "Like" or leave enthusiastic comments on the "Hiram & Richard" photos we share. And thank you to those family members who keep me in the loop on their kids' graduations and new jobs and other important events of the people in the families you have created.

All I really have is please and thank you. Thank you for being courageous enough to stand by us in spite of the angrier voices and personalities of our religious and political communities when that is the case. Thank you for reaching out and showing your support those times when it is just the right thing to do even if it isn't the comfortable thing to do.

I am gay. The person I have loved for the last ten years and eventually cried tears of joy with when we were able to marry two years ago is an immigrant. What is at stake in this election for the family we are creating is all frighteningly real to me. Please be on the right side of history here. Please do the right thing and do not vote for a candidate who encourages you to fear immigrants, who has promised to appoint justices who would invalidate our marriage, and who just in general appeals to anger instead of love.

Cineclub · · Tucson

Talk Like A Silent Movie Day

Nosferatu, A Symphony of Horror. Dir. F.W. Murnau. 1922

Soon it will be November, but right now it is October.

Right now you are prone to earnestly and emphatically saying things like: "I recommend waiting to eat the Mexican toaster pastry. It is extremely hot and to take a bite now would surely be madness!"

Instead of "Careful, that's hot."

Come November, perhaps you will be grateful there are not so many vampire movies available and stealing your soul and replacing it with adverbs.