Mister Phyllis

This is our plumeria, Mister Phyllis.
Itsty bitsy tiny and tasty heirloom tomatoes

The first tomatoes from our raised bed gardens.
Punked Pumpkin

These are some fallen pumpkin leaves from our raised bed gardens.

Princess. Named for royalty because she is.
Flying Monkey

Meaux, in a rare moment, under the influence of gravity.
Gertrude and Alice

Gertrude and Alice (Jeff and Meaux)
Okay smarty, go to a party

Some fun with what's left of this year's poppies
Pandemic poetry written on masking tape and attached to the electrical poles along Mountain Avenue
Normalcy and doting on prickly pear blossoms

April in Tucson is the most agreeable time of year to be here. Doting on prickly pear blossoms is something we’d normally be doing now, which is perhaps why this year with all that’s going on we’re especially losing our shit over them.
So much modern time

So much modern time
Streaking in The Sun

We had joy, we had fun, we went streaking in the sun. These are some daisies in the Samos neighborhood, seen along the way during this evening's COVID-19 quarantine sanity walk.
Closed swing set at Mitchell Park

A swing set is wrapped in yellow police tape as play areas in Mitchell Park are closed during the COVID-19 pandemic.