
Entries from Tucson

Photos · · Tucson


Transformer box painted with bike lights and colored gels.

Transformer painted with bike lights and colored gels.

Honest Stuff I Make Up · · Tucson

I will tell you after dinner.

I ate dinner at 5:00 and now it’s 10:00, a whole seven hours till breakfast. And there is macaroni and cheese in the house that I want nothing to do with but it has somehow learned my name. So scared. If I don’t make it, I just want everyone to know the de Kooning behind the bedroom door I found at a yard sale in Chiapas.

Photos · · Tucson


Hiram reading on a Sunday morning, reflected in mirrors.

Multiple reflections of Hiram reading in bed on a Sunday morning.

Music · · Tucson

Iris Chacón - Caramelo y Chocolate

Qué bravas son las solteras. Dir. Tulio Demicheli. 1975

Her enthusiasm is immeasurable and I’m only guessing when I say her energy can be weighed in grams, but I will always be indebted to this song for teaching me how to say in Spanish my heart is beating so fast, which has come in handy.

Notes · · Tucson

Lane 9

Ken, bowling
Golden Pin Lanes
Lane 9
Hiram, bowling

We were looking for something to do and Ken suggested bowling. I don't remember the last time I went bowling. I think this was maybe the fourth time ever. Golden Pin Lanes, the last non-chain bowling center in town will close sometime in the next year. We decided to go there.