
Entries from Tucson

Sounds · · Tucson

Odyssey Storytelling: Fake

It's been almost a month since the May Odyssey Storytelling event and I'm still cracking up when I think about Drew Cronyn's story of finding life (and vocal) direction in an important book, Vene Aguirre revealing the identity of her true father to her dad, and other stories about faking it.

Photos · · Tucson

Steamer Dots

Lighting work with vegetable steamer

"Open the pod bay doors Hal."
"I’m afraid I can’t do that Dave. Not until you return the vegetable steamer."

Sounds · · Tucson

The Marble Faun, Parts 1 & 2

Among many things, this is also the story of another young person whose life is forever changed after discovering the Beale sisters.

Everything is Stories: The Marble Faun "A story of a runaway, sexual identity, and survival in the wake of loss." 

Notes · · Tucson

Monster Children, Issue 58

Monster Children, Issue 58

I love Monster Children because its images of surfing and skateboarding remind me of what it's like to be young; I love Monster Children because its writing reminds me it's okay to put into writing how annoying things can be; I love the Australia Issue of Monster Children because it reminds me that I'm not the only one annoyed by U.S. news.

The Australia Issue. A concept that started as one thing and ended up completely contrary to what I intended at the close, for better or worse. The initial idea came about in light of over a year of being completely assaulted on all fronts with nothing but news of the United States. Sick of nothing but the frumpy clown in the White House, we thought shining a light on our own country, warts and all, would offer brief respite if nothing else.

Alistair Klinkenberg: The Australia Issue, an Introduction