
Entries from Tucson

Photos · · Tucson

Volunteer Safflower

Dried safflower plant and flower heads photographed against a black background

The colors of Safflower's waxy leaves faded after its springtime cameo, but its legacy of thorns pokes on.

Photos · · Tucson

¿Y dónde están las pipas?

Dried sunflower, capitula to root, photographed against a black background

This sunflower and its multiple flower heads provided us many hours of viewing pleasure this spring and seeds and seeds and seeds for the birds.

Photos · · Tucson

Wintry Panache

branch and red berries of a Chinese Pistache tree against a blue skey

In this photograph, I am apree-see-ating nature with the wintry panache of a Chinese Pistache.

Notes · · Tucson


Cuando andábamos cortando rábanos unos comíamos y otros dejabanos

White icicle radishes
Red radishes

Six months into this urban gardening busyness and all I know for certain is if you want a quick “win” (as they say), plant radish seeds in the ground or in pots, water regularly, and in five weeks you’ll have more of the crunchy taco condiments than you have refrigerator for.